Produce Small To Large Scale 'Made In The USA' Products
Full Production
Our manufacturing department is set up by lines for every product, each process within that product is then evaluated and put into a flow that is as efficient as possible. In addition, our sewing floor is completely modular which allows us to pivot with very little down time Each operator is trained and experienced in their craft with most having years of experience and skill. Those that do not possess years of skill are trained and integrated in such a way that allows SND to maximize output of production

Dye Sub
Our design process is a combination of new and old. By fusing new technologies/techniques with practices that have been used from decades of experience and knowledge in the apparel industry, we are able to bring concepts and designs to market faster and less costly than most other design houses.
Screen Print
Over the years SND has accumulated an extensive library of fabric and fabric vendors to select from. Whether it requires a domestic source of high quality or a cost-effective option SND can provide our network to source the best option for you and your product. Our goal is to give you our best opinion and expertise.